Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I'm baaaack

Hahaa did you know we just reached 15,000 pageviews on this blog?

I am back.  No, for good.  I had Joe disconnect Netflix from the Xbox, and change the password to Netflix on the computer.  And I deleted all my games and savefiles.  I am DONE.

I'm a little scared, since I've been feeling really crappy lately (if it's not a headache, it's a migraine) and I saw a neurologist and I have to get a bunch of tests done and blah blah blah, and when I'm feeling crappy and I'm not sleepy, I don't want to do anything but watch TV.

Anyway, now I will be more social.

I don't think you want to hear about all the dumb headaches/migraines.  It's a pain, and it's getting really difficult to work 40 hours a week because I'm always in pain or nauseous or shaky.  I'm starting to dig into my PTO which I never wanted to do.

Joe downloaded Windows 8 on my computer.  I'm not a fan so far.  It's really designed for people with smartphones. 

I'm enjoying work even though it's hard to work feeling yucky.  I have confirmation daily that I am right where God wants me.  I get to reach out to my coworkers daily - with kindness, with tokens of love, with the word "Jesus" and my Christian perspectives and even the gospel.  And sometimes I get confirmation back from them, that they are receiving it and seeing something in me.  Today someone I barely interact with, except to smile and say "hi Mark" when I see him, told me I was the nicest person in the office.  He's not even on my side of the building - I seriously see him once a day, if at all - and God through me made an impression on him!

I'll try to be better about posting and commenting!


  1. I am proud of you for doing what you need to do, that would be hard to give up everything you do in your spare time! I miss you and we definitely need to hang out soon, we live 4 minutes apart for goodness sake! :)

    I am so glad to hear about your positive influence on others at work, it goes right along with Tommy's sermons and the prayers my growth group has been saying for each other.

    I hope your migraines go away soon, that sounds awful!

  2. Oh and I had noticed our page views were climbing, I mean, we are pretty interesting people. Everyone wants to read about our lives. :) Haha

  3. I'm really glad you'll be on the blog more, I have missed hearing from you! Sad to hear that you are having migraines etc. I hope you find a solution to those quick.


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