Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Little Mr. was dedicated. :)

On Friday we drove to Moses Lake for the weekend to have Eli dedicated at the church I grew up in, also the church we were married in.  It was quite the special day.  Paul's parents even drove up to see their first grandchild dedicated then we hung out at my parents house and had an awesome burrito bar lunch. Eli slept the whole trip to and from Moses Lake, we are so spoiled with how good of a kid Eli is! 

My cousin's wife made this sweet sweater for her son when he was born (he is 18 months now) and she let us borrow it while Eli fits in it.  He looked quite dapper.  Quite the upgrade from the onesie he usually wears. :) 

Little Bear liked sitting in the snow.  Too bad the snow was so minimal, but hey, looks better for winter pictures than the green lawns we have on this side of the state. :) 

Eli peed on his onesie the morning of his dedication and we didnt quite want to put him into his church outfit so he laid in his britches in a blanket.  This kid is so warm, Paul and I are both quite warm blooded and this kid definitely is following in our footsteps, hot while laying basically naked. 

Pastor Matt did an amazing job dedicating Eli.  He started preaching at the church the very first Sunday I brought Paul to meet my parents, which was before we were even dating.  I have loved hanging out with him and his wife (they are both 30 I believe).  

We have kinda started a nightly routine.  After Paul and I eat dinner we give little man a bath then let him lay naked in our bathtub with the fire on on a fleece blanket and do a little tummy time and squiggle time to get his energy out. Then we bundle up in pajamas and head downstairs to nurse and fall asleep, then he is out for 4.5 hours before waking up again to nurse. Oh and he LOVES the bath! 

I thought my taking pictures of Eli would slow down, well maybe it has a little but lets just say a day doesn't go by that I don't take at least 5 pictures of him, phones have made it so easy! 

Look at my boys sleeping identically? Melt my heart.  

This pictures are in the most random order.  This was dedication morning. Chillin in his skivvies, hes smirk, his frown, and his stare. Love my boy. 

I tried a cloth diaper on Eli and it fit quite well.  I am going to try them on him almost all day tomorrow and see how it goes.  Until I get a good routine I dont want to do errands and stuff while he has them on, I need to make sure we have a no leak routine going.  Also since he will be doing errands with just Paul tomorrow while I swim I feel like I should make it as easy as possible. 

Speaking of swimming I swam my first mile today since having Eli.  I quit swimming at 36 weeks so it has now been two months since I have worked out.  My muscles definitely felt weak, but I am excited to go again tomorrow! 

Also, I will definitely miss having every morning with Paul.  Sweet snuggles with my two loves. At least I get to snuggle them both twice a week since I am not going back to work yet (and will only go back part time and be choosing the days I work).  

We went to the mall so I could find some boots (which I found but they didn't have my color/size-boo) and Paul wore Eli in the Ergo with a blanket wrapped around Eli instead of the infant insert we opted not to buy, it worked fantastic! I was able to fit in my jean skinny jeans and it was a good day. :)  

We tried Eli in his sleep sack sleeper last night and didn't put any blankets on him in his swing and he did fabulous.  Very soon we will be transitioning him to his own room.  Tomorrow he will be 4 weeks old, how has it already been 4 weeks, I am seriously baffled! 

At the mall I saw someone drinking bubble tea and it made me want some really bad, but the mall places aren't usually as good so we went to the great wall shopping mall in tukwila and bought rice at the grocery store and bubble tea that was AMAZING.  Cravin satisfied.  Eli laid in the shopping cart. :) 

Cuddling with my boys and watching seahawks stuff.  I have never been this into football in my life. 

My bright eyed boy today while I was busy vacuuming downstairs.  Yesterday and today (I split up the chores) I cleaned all three bathrooms and vacuumed my whole house. This is the first time I have done this since before Christmas because my awesome mama has cleaned my house the last two times! I probably could have cleaned sooner but I didn't want to overwork myself, especially with all the out of town trips we were taking.  I am soooooo glad to have a clean house again since it has been quite a few weeks since the last vacuum. 

After I swam today Paul and I went out to his store so he could get the run down about going back to work and I could do a little shopping.  Little man slept the whole time I swam while he did errands with Paul and the whole time we shopped.  

It is 9pm and my boy has been sleeping since 8pm.  I am now headed to bed because the longer I stay up the worse I feel when he wakes up to nurse.  I love my "long" stretch of sleep I get.  It's funny when long means 4.5 hours, but hey, that's way better than a lot of mamas with newborns! 

Paul goes back to work on Sunday (7am-2pm) but my parents will be here for the Superbowl.  He then works Mon-Thurs and that will be my first run of having Eli solo, I am sure we will rock it though. :) 


  1. Loved this update! You look so good, Angela! That is amazing that you already fit in your skinny jeans. People always said stuff like that to me, and I thought I bounced back pretty quickly, but I think you got me beat! :) Loved all the pictures - and no, I don't think the picture taking stops, at least not with the first one! I have SO many pictures of Shea as a baby, it is crazy. I think if my phone didn't take pictures, I would've missed a huge chunk of Hailey's first year, because you just don't think about it as much when you have two kids. But all the pictures are so worth it, because they change so much and you remember those moments so well when you see those pictures. I'm interested to see how your cloth diapering goes and what your routine is like. And I'm glad you are getting sleep! 4.5 hours is definitely a good stretch, and I'm sure it will get longer and longer.

    1. Becca you guys are welcome to come any time, just text me! It would be wonderful to see you both down here and at your house!

  2. What a sweet post! I love hearing about Eli. I can see that he is so loved by you and Paul and your family. That's so great that you got to dedicate him in the church where you and Paul met! I'm glad that Eli has been a good baby so far for you guys. I agree with Becca, that's amazing that you got into your skinny jeans so fast! I'm excited for the Super Bowl too, it'll be great to have a team that I care about this year.


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