Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Oh boy.  I haven't accomplished much today.

I did get some sleep last night, which was good.  Hailey slept for nearly 5 hours without waking up...but that wasn't until 2 this morning.  Shea woke up at 6:30 to go potty.  So I was up with the kids by 7.

Then we got ready and left for school (we get there at 9).  Got home at 12.  But I just came home to throw a log on the fire and then we went out to Central Market to get some groceries.

Baby went to bed when we came home. Shea and I had yogurt with blueberries and cereal for lunch.  And a kiwi.  Mostly because I was too lazy to make anything else.

Jeremy came home for a late lunch from working at the church.  We relaxed and talked for a little bit.  It feels like we have barely seen each other this week without children in our faces the entire time.  Not that we don't love them in our faces, but adult conversation is nice every once in a while.

Now, what have I been doing?  Eating an apple with peanut butter and wasting time on pinterest and facebook and doing nothing at all.  I keep thinking about working out (I've found some I really like on youtube and have been pretty good about it lately, and its been fun), doing the dishes, cleaning, etc...but no.  Maybe now I will get to work.  Now that I see my laziness written down.

Oh!  We went and visited the church in Renton.  It's call Lifepoint.  Anyway.  Shea loved it.  We liked it well enough.  The pastors are pretty cool, the people were very friendly, the worship was very...mellow.  They have a few people volunteering to do it right now, but wow, their energy level was like non-existent.  Anyway, we went out to lunch with the pastor and his wife and just kind of chatted a little bit.  The next step is for me to come and lead worship one Sunday and have a more formal interview.  It is actually been really hard to process it all.  Before this, all our moves have felt like a no-brainer in a way, and not that big of a deal.  Now that our lives are more established (and comfortably so) here in Indianola, it is a very hard decision to make to move.  Even though there are so very many pro's if we end up being offered the position.  I am very thankful for how slow the Pastor is taking it.  It is giving me a lot of time to weigh out possibilities and get used to the idea of what we will be giving up when/if we leave here.

Also, I guess Jeremy's dad announced from the pulpit this last Sunday that we were pursuing this.  Ha.  Apparently we miss one Sunday and people start wondering where in the world we are.  Oh well.

Ok, I'm going to go and try to accomplish something.


  1. I am so thankful that I've never had to make difficult moving decisions. A girl at work told me today that her husband is being assigned to Mississippi - and she doesn't want to leave because she and her daughter are well established here. I know I would move in a heartbeat if it were me, but to just think about such a change when I'm so comfortable - that would suck.

    Anyway. I'm thinking about you guys. Miss you =)

  2. I'm glad you guys have some time to think and pray about the decision to move to Renton. We've had the same thing, where we feel life decisions have been made by work or school opportunities and we just go along with what is happening.

    It feels good to hear that you are having an unmotivated day. One week nights when I get home from work I always feel like I should be doing way more, but I decide to sit at my computer and before I know it, it's time for bed.

    Thanks for the update on the worship leader job process. I'm praying for you guys for clarity!

  3. I read your post while we were still in Hawaii and thought to myself "she has done a ton today!". Your definition of not doing much is much different from mine, especially mine when I am on vacation. :) I agree with Candice, so nice the church is taking things slow and letting you get a feel for everything for you to decide if you would want the job and them to decide if you will mesh well with the church. I understand just feeling settled and then moving, I felt like that for 2 years with school and stuff, but you have moved a million times more than I have. You have got to be the fastest packer, unpacker and decorator. You are inspiring.


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