Thursday, November 11, 2010

I am mad.

My school started offering a Professional Writing class this semester. I am in it because I need it for my English electives.

I love the textbooks. Well, I love one of them. One is kind of dense but has some good stuff in it. I'm also finding the assignments challenging but very helpful.

Two things I don't like. The first doesn't apply to me, but I feel for the other students. This class is 245, meaning a lot of people are taking it who are not English majors and don't have a background in English. If I'm a senior and I find this class challenging, it should be a senior level class. I am doing fairly well in the class, but I know a lot of the students are not. It's not because they're stupid or lazy. It's because this class is far too advanced for anyone who does not already have a background in English.

The second is this: the professor has an absolutely rude, disrespectful, sarcastic attitude to the students' assignments. Sure, he punctuates his feedback with "good job"s, but both his individual and group feedback is overall negative and harsh. He asks rhetorical questions to make students look dumb ("Some of you didn't format your assignment in MLA. Did you even read the instructions? If you don't read instructions from your boss you'll get fired..."). After claiming one of my papers was very unprofessional, he referenced something at the end and said "Ahh. So this is what is supposed to make this seem 'professional'." I burst into tears.

And he uses capital letters to make his points, so it's like he's yelling at the students that they're stupid.

I got a B on the assignment. That's fine. I just can't believe someone teaching professional writing would be so unprofessional. He might be trying to simulate a work environment - but when you turn in something that needs revising, your boss does not make patronizing, sarcastic remarks about it. He says "you need to change these things" and hands it back.

I've left several messages with the school. Each answer machine states their office hours. Well, clearly they are not in their offices during office hours.

I am SO FED UP. I'm tired of school. I'm tired of this school that doesn't have a student advocate who is on top of the phone. I'm tired of getting either really awesome or really horrible professors. Why can't I homeschool myself through college? Haha.

Thanks for listening to the rant. I'm off to call the school again.



  1. Oh lame! I'm so sorry you have a mean teacher! As if doing all of your assignments isn't enough already! Hang in there! At least you'll have lots of sympathy for others who end up with professors like you when its all done and said. I know, not very good consolation...hope you get through to the school!

  2. I'm sorry Amber! Sucky professors take the fun out of learning! Love you and hope your messages to the school do some good!

  3. Ugh, I am totally there with you! I have a professor right now who is driving me insane. (I just took a deep breath) At least she isn't as mean as your professor, but she is blunt and when we ask questions she says: "come on, you know this!" obviously I don't if I'm asking the question!!! Her disorganization will be the death of me...not receiving any marks yet (3 weeks left in the semester!) and I'm getting sick of finding out that we have presentations the next day....ok she is very energetic and wants us to do well...but its hard to realize that when I'm so frustrated.

    All I can say is hang in there! We're going to make it! I don't know how, but we will. :)


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