Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Long time no blog!

Life has been crazy busy since I started working full time. Wednesday and Thursday last week were awesome. The nurses at my facility are so amazing, willing to teach, and are so good at making me feel comfortable. They answer all my questions, even if I ask them more than once, and alwasy explain things more than once. Its great.

On Friday Paul and I looked at tons of houses. We looked at quite a few we liked and one we loved. Unfortunately the one we wanted to make an offer on already had a full price offer and many over full price back up offers. It was seriously that awesome.

Saturday Paul and I hardly left the house. Actually I don't know if we left the house at all. It was fabulous! We had the air mattress blown up in the living room. I dozed in and out of sleep, watched the office, cuddled with the hubby, and just had a great day!

On Sunday my hubby had to work so I got up and went to church, came home, took a bath, and then went shopping. I was out for so many hours me feet were killing me and my knees were dying. I went to the bank, to target to buy some christmas presents for my cousins (hence the nerf gun), Ross to buy presents for the aunts and uncles (the two baskets I put together) and also some essentials like ziploc bags and contact solution. Then I went to Victoria's Secret to pick up some free underwear (I love that!). Then I went to the Asian grocery store to get ingredients for the Yakisoba I was going to make for dinner. Then I went to costco to get lettuce, our christmas cards, and some bananas. Then I stopped by lowes to get a Christmas present, and then went home to cook dinner! I made Yakisoba and also cooked the Quince Paul had bought last time we went to the Asian grocery store. We didn't know you had to cook the dang fruit in sugar, water, and vanilla. It turned out ok...but not my favorite.

That brings us to Monday thru wednesday. What have I done? I worked 6:30am-5pm. Come home, cooked dinner, finished dinner at around 6ish. Picked up the house, done the dishes, cuddled with the hubby and fall asleep on the couch at like 8:30. Seriously. I forgot how to work 40 hours a week. And all the sudden I can actually sleep super well through the night because I am actually working, it is so fantastic!

I have gotten my schedule through December...and I have to work Christmas. So does Paul. :( He works 8am-3pm. I work 1pm-11pm. This is going to be the suckiest christmas ever, but at least I get overtime right? I will try and make the residents super happy...cause it would suck to be in a extended care facility on Christmas!

I've missed blogging, I am going to try and keep up better with this!


  1. I'm glad you're liking your new job! That's too bad you both have to work christmas. :( Having a positive attitude helps though. you are a trooper!

  2. Aww Angela, so sorry you have to work Christmas, but I'm glad at least one of you doesn't have to be alone at home for Christmas since you both have to work. For sure you'll celebrate Christmas another day!

    I miss you coming over! I've been so good about keeping up on most of the housework, you would be so proud!

    Love ya sis,



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