Thursday, December 15, 2011

Angela&Becca Show

Sorry, looks like we're dominating the blog again.

I had a LONG DAY.  I had to be in Bremerton at 9:15 for a stupid pregnancy test. I get my insurance for maternity benefits, then I have to use my insurance to prove that I'm pregnant, and Bremerton is the only place that's covered on my plan.  And then the lady told me this totally weird date for my due date because she didn't listen to anything I said.  Oh well, that's why she is NOT my doctor.

Anyway, this meant leaving at 8:15 (its a 50 minute drive and I wanted to get there a little early) with Shea, but I woke up at 7:45, so I rushed a bit.  We got there on time, and met my mom and brother so they could watch Shea while I went in.  The appointment was quick and we were on our way.  I had to kill about 40 minutes because we were stopping by the toyota dealership to get my oil changed, so we went to mcdonalds for a little bit and Shea played with my brother.  The car ended up taking an hour and a half to get done!  I love this dealership though - you get a free latte from the cafe (I got an iced vanilla latte - some of the first coffee I have had in months!), and they have free wi-fi and a little kids area.  Shea sat and watched Dora on my i-touch until he got bored, and then I had to walk around with him for like half an hour.  Then we had to stop at Walmart on our way home, because one of our headlights was out.  And the library to return some books.  FINALLY we got home at 1PM.  Jeremy had done all the dishes and started a pot of tomato soup!  So we had soup and grilled cheese sandwiches and some french fries.  yummy.  Shea went to bed and I worked on some church stuff and applied for a job...which I JUST got an email back from and I have an interview on Monday!

Its for a full-time teacher's assistant for 3 and 4 year olds at a montessori school on bainbridge island.  Basically what I did all of last year, only more hours.  This would be great, because my current job is so inconsistent hour-wise, and Jeremy's boss is not always able to pay him on time.  I hope it works out - it would start January 1st, which gives me enough time to give notice at work.  It would mean a little less time with Shea during the day, but we are barely making it now that I have so few hours at work.  Say a prayer for me! :-)  This might just be God's way of providing the money we need to get us through the next bit of time before the baby comes - I know 100% He will provide for us, just don't know if this is it or something else.  But I haven't often heard back from a potential employer less than an hour after applying, so I'm hopeful.

Anyway, since I rushed so much this morning, I still haven't taken a shower!  Going to go to do that now while Shea is watching his show.  I have a playgroup tomorrow morning here, so that entails me cleaning the house tonight and hopefully getting some laundry done...and something baked to serve.  Boy that sounds a little daunting to me today.  Have two long days of work Friday and Saturday and then Sunday off!

1 comment:

  1. Haha yep, we are definitely taking over the blog! I love that Jeremy had everything cleaned up for you, and I will be praying about your interview! God has a plan for you guys and you are so right, He ALWAYS provides.


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