Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Feeling Settled

Hi again!  It's been 3 and a half weeks since we moved and things are starting to feel normal.  I forget that moving is more than just organizing and setting up our furniture again, but we also have to figure out how out how our new schedule will work and the lifestyle change that comes with moving from a rural area to a more urban area.

I have been so busy setting up our place and starting school, but I have been loving it!  I have been taking pictures of the different things I've been doing and then never get to posting them.  The weather has also been AMAZING.  It's so nice to wear short 24/7 and not feel cold, the sun is so fabulous it wipes away any bad mood.

The past weekend was our long weekend in Canada (Victoria Day).  It was so nice to have Justin around for an extra day.  We didn't go out much becuase we worked a lot on the house, especially the yard.  We're attempting to grow some grass on a bit of compost and a lot of gravel...hopefully it works.  At this point I feel like anything will be an improvement.

This weekend I dug through our 6 inch layer of compacted gravel and found enough dirt to plant some pepper plants and a raspberry bush.

Here is what our yard looks like right now with the compost and grass seed.  We doing little sections of our yard at a time.

I'm afraid of being known as the 'neighborhood garbage scavenger,' I found some cool lanterns and some pots from some of our neighbors garbage while we were out for a walk.  I cleaned up the lanterns and I'm pretty happy with them!  We don't have any lights on our deck, so they are perfect. 

One of our first weeks here Justin and I went out for dinner at a burger place across the street.  I love being able to walk to restaurants!

I think this is the most pictures I have ever posted!  I still can't beat Angela though, I don't have your photo-collage making skills. :) 

I've started looking for work again.  I am still on at the place that hired me as a teacher in March, but I never finished my training and I've tried over and over to get in touch with them, but they have never returned my calls.  I'm hoping to find another part time teaching/tutoring job, but I think I'm going to have to branch out to other options.  Other than that, life is pretty good.  

Hope all you girls are having good weather, and if not, good days at least! 



  1. I love your lanterns, what an awesome free find. And I love all your pictures! Pictures speak a thousand words, and if pictures were a language it would be my language, the only one I would choose. :) I bet you will have your yard looking amazing by the end of the season. The thing I have learned about yards is they just take a lot of time. Last year I tore out all the old nasty stuff and this year I have to start making things look better. I need some sunnny days though, we have had rain, rain, rain!

  2. Ok I am wildly jealous of your lanterns. I love things like that - and free! so cool. So glad you are feeling settled and enjoying your neighborhood!


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