Thursday, May 10, 2012


You probably already saw it on facebook. OH WELL...

...what you didn't see was our ridiculous "outtake" photo where we both look semi-ridiculous.

HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY!  I am off to work in 15 minutes and am crossing my fingers that the curtain rod I spray painted for Shea's room will be dry before I have to go. haha.  It says 10 minutes or less...I am getting excited for this room to come together!

Oh if any of you ladies (amber/angela) randomly see/hear of a cheap ($25 or less) toddler bed anywhere that can be taken apart for transport in a car, please let me know :)  No mattress is needed (but will take if there is one!).


  1. Adorable! And I will keep my eye out, I was actually going to stop by goodwill today so I will take a peek!

  2. You are looking so good Becca! I love all your belly watch pictures. I love Shea, any picture of him always makes me smile.


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