Saturday, May 19, 2012

hash browns

I couldn't find the potatoes I wanted at Fred Meyer, so I caved and bought a huge bag at Costco.  I'm on a mission to use them before they spoil.

This morning I decided to make eggs for us before Joe went to work, and then I decided I wanted to make hash browns.  I only had half an hour, so I decided to bake the potatoes in the microwave and mash them up and finish them on the stove.

To make things faster, I peeled the potatoes raw, then microwaved them.  Well, who knew?  The peel on potatoes keeps the inside from drying out.  So now I had potatoes that were tough on the outside and mushy inside.

I didn't have time to remake anything, so I just chalked it up to experience and went ahead cutting/mashing them into my pan with hot oil, salt, and pepper.  They browned up real nicely but I didn't have time to taste them before I dumped them on Joe's plate with two over-easy eggs.  "Don't expect too much," I warned, "I have no idea how they'll turn out."

Typically my husband isn't a huge fan of making food without recipes, because to him it doesn't turn out as well.  So if I ever "invent" something I never expect him to love it as much he would love a tried-and-true recipe.

"Are they okay?" I asked after he'd had a few bites.  I was thinking backup plans: like, if it was unbearable I'd toast some bread for him to soak up his eggs with.

"They're not bad," he said, which usually means "I am able to eat them, but please don't make them again."  I accepted this.  He asked why there were some little crunchy bits of potato and some larger pieces.  I shared my mistake in peeling the potatoes before I microwaved them.

"Actually, I really like it," he said.

I couldn't tell him how much my day was made because then he'd get all embarrassed.  You have to understand, I don't get these kind of comments from my husband often, because he only says he "likes" something if the food is exceptional.  If the food is good, then it was "fine, thanks for dinner" and if it's mediocre it's "alright...."

Anyway, feeling happy right now and excited about making hash browns for the next month...haha!

1 comment:

  1. haha I like your story. I'm so glad your potatoes worked out! I only make hash browns when I have left over baked potatoes to use up. But they are so yummy-I should just make leftovers. :)


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