Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Trying to get motivated to finally start working on housework today.  Last two days have been spent doing fun things with Shea, running errands, and working on the church bookkeeping (I've put in close to 6 hours working on that crazy stuff this week, and still have so much more to do!).  Just finished a cup of tea and finally warmed up (I am freezing today for some reason), Pandora station is on and toys are picked up, so maybe I'll get moving now.  



Alright, we just finished lunch, and here is where I am at:

I've vacuumed about half of the house, but still have the living/dining room and bedrooms left to do.

I also cut my finger really badly while mopping.  Yes, while MOPPING.  I was reaching for the swiffer, which is tucked next to our was kind of stuck so I was pulling it kind of hard and some how my finger slid across the corner of the drawer beneath the oven.  Blood splattered everywhere!  I didn't take a picture of that, though, ha.  It wouldn't stop bleeding, so I put two band-aids on and then wrapped scotch tape around it too.

a bonus item!  I cleaned my teapot and shined it.  See how shiny it is?  It was really grimey before from being on the stove and getting oil and food splattered on it.

Oh, and Shea asked me to take a picture of him, so here that is as well.  I am feeling more awake now after lunch and getting things done!

1 comment:

  1. You are being so productive! Your teapot looks great (I hate how stainless steal and stuff looks with oil and grease on it and its a constant battle with my tea pot and toaster oven! Love the pictures!


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