Thursday, May 3, 2012

Life back on the mainland

The fridge is finally stocked!  There is actually more food in there than in this picture because this was just after my safeway run, I went to costco the next day. :)  I got soymilk (my new obsession) and odwalla (how can a drink be that good?!).  I also got our first watermelon of the season and oh how I have missed watermelon!

So today at 1:30 I got a call from work saying they were going to have to put me on standby.  I was kinda bummed because I got over 12 hours of sleep last night and had only worked two days since coming home from vacation but it turned out to be awesome.  10 minutes after the call I got up and unloaded the dishwasher, started making banana bread, then I cleaned three bathrooms, washed and dried a load of cat hair covered blankets, vacuumed the whole house, mopped the floors, replaced the little plastic things that hold up the shelves in the closet, and started making dinner. 

I would have done yard work but it was nasty and rainy all day long.  At least the grass we planted where our bushes used to be is growing really well!  We weeded, picked out some rocks, and roughed up the dirt and planted some more seed in the bare spots yesterday.

Everytime I sat down today my cats came to cuddle me, it was kinda ridiculous.  I sat a few minutes with Eric and a few more with Eleanor because it is rare she wants to cuddle with me. :) 

I am kinda addicted to my phone, and look at this screen more than I care to admit on a daily basis, so I thought I would share a picture of this small obsession with you. :) I have about a billion photography apps on here and love them all! 

A few mornings ago I made pancakes for Paul and I for breakfast, they were pretty yummy.  I must say I still prefer homemade pancakes but these were a fast tasty treat. :) 

Eric has been attached to me like a magnet since we got home from vacation.  I was super tired before going to work on monday and decided to take a little nap.  I woke up to this sweet face in front of me.  I still had to shower and get ready so I rushed (I had 20 minutes) and got ready then grabbed this lunch of a frappachino, ritz crackers with brie and honey, and some grapes for my lunch on my way to work.  

I got a new tank top at costco and am excited to wear it.  I look slightly obsessed with pink in this picture because of the phone/shirt combination, haha. 

I couldn't find Eric anywhere when I was crafting in the craft room and then I heard a little noise.  This naughty little rascal was playing with his "find" in the closet. 

I love looking through groupon and living social on a regular basis.  Here are some of the things I would do if I had endless money and time wasn't an option. :) 

Two new shirts! 

My new flour container ( I have another new one too about this size and it takes both of them to hold the 25l bs of flour I bought at costco!).  I also got washi tape at Target.  Each little thing was 4 dollars. Normally one roll of washi tape would be 4 dollars or more, usually closer to 5.  So stoked to find a knock off brand at a reasonable price at Target (thanks to my mom who saw it on a blog! ). 

So all in all today ended up being a super productive day.  I didn't have to go to work when I thought I would, but God had other plans.  It felt good to get all the housework done! 


  1. Good for you Angela! I need all the inspiration I can get this morning-I'm going to attack the yard again. Aww your kitties missed you! Cuddling with a little furry soft animal is always nice and usually keeps me from being productive.

  2. Totally sounds like you did a ton! I love your pink tank top - it looks so comfy! I would definitely be obsessed with my phone if I had an i-phone too. Its probably a really good thing all my phone does is text and call people, and is completely boring otherwise!

    Your lunches of crackers and brie look sooooo good. Cheese, crackers, and fruit have to be the number one foods I love.

    I'll have to keep my eyes open for Washi Tape! I bet it is super cute for gift wrapping! What do you use it for?

  3. I use the washi tape to make envelopes cute, to decorate jars, make cards, make labels, anything really! This is the fist time I have had a lot and I am excited to be able to use it on everything without feeling like I am wasting it!


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