Thursday, May 24, 2012

tired, but content.

I love that there is a recent post from everyone!  And now that I've had a nap and the sun is shining, I am feeling much more myself than I was this morning.  I think Shea is too.  He has been super content playing and being a cutie-pie since he woke up from his nap.

I've had a good week at home.  I've been a little unmotivated to do much - this week I never seemed to recover from working over the weekend.  I also feel so crazy pregnant and it hit me just the other day that after this baby comes, I'm going to have so much less time to myself and probably be twice as tired as I feel now for a while...I really better enjoy these last weeks of only one child while I can!  My week is a little bit of a blur...I guess that's what happens when you are home every day doing kind of the same thing.  So the pictures are kind of in a random order and some things might not really flow together in a way that makes sense (no different than normal, right??)
I am 34 weeks today!  And like I said, TIRED and feeling it.  Hopefully my energy picks up again for this weekend (my last weekend at work, SO EXCITED to be done!!).

Here are my boys at breakfast one day this week while Jeremy was reading a devotional to me and I was making coffee.  Jeremy has shaved every morning for almost a month.  Apparently, this is a new habit.  I like it! haha.

We are on day three of having absolutely no tv time.  I have been reading a ton of parenting/preschool education books (mainly, because we recently decided we were no longer going to spank and I've been reading up on other discipline methods and I'm trying to get prepared for teaching Shea at home next year), and because of other convictions throughout the year, I have come to the conviction that I don't think young children should be watching much tv or dvds - if any at all.  It's funny, because I think it just started with me having Shea watch baby einstein (you know, "educational" dvds) when he was little, and he seemed to enjoy it, so I kept letting him have little doses of tv.  Having no TV means I have to get creative with our time though!  Not only do I have to distract him with other interesting things, but I can't forget about him in front of the tv for periods of time to get other things done.  It's a little bit of an adjustment, but I have to admit, I feel so much better about what he is doing with his time, and he seems much happier too!  Probably because his brain is way more stimulating working on projects and playing creatively than sitting motionless in front of a screen!  I'm sure we will still have special movie times, or short times of watching daddy play a kid friendly video game, but I'm glad that it is becoming something more special.

ANYWAY.  One of the things we did this week was make robots from old milk cartons and toilet paper tubes!  It kept him busy for SO long and he got some practice with a glue stick, which he hasn't used much before.  Here is his creation (with some help from mom, of course!):

For after nap, we had plans to make cookies and then I had this activity tray for him.  He was kind of into it for a little bit, but then started throwing rocks, so I took it away.  I'll try again with different items another day.

Here he is today during our morning snack after our walk on the beach.  I have been making "Orange Julius" knock off's lately, but changing up the flavors.  Yesterday I made it with orange juice and blueberries, today was pineapple and coconut.  So yummy! And had to make a pirate hat while we were eating our snack.  We made tunnels for his trains out of old oatmeal containers and cereal boxes today.

Last night my friend Susan took me out to get my toes done!  Best gift for a pregnant mommy ever!  My toes looked awful and I didn't want to bend over to do anything about it.  Its kind of too wet out to wear my new sandals too, but I've been wearing them around the house to break them in and because I wanted to wear them, haha.

Shea was hiding in the closet while I was taking my bump picture today.

I've also been busy, busy sewing cloth diapers!  The one in the lower right corner is completely waterproof and will fit a slightly bigger baby.  I have several of these cut out to sew up, and I only spent about 25 dollars on fabric!  I also have enough fabric I was given to make close to 20 newborn diapers (these are the ones in the lower left corner).  These will need a cover, but thats ok, because they won't be used for very long, most likely.  I am planning on cutting these out tonight while I watch So You Think You Can Dance (SO EXCITED!!! This is my favorite show and it looks so good this season!)


  1. I LOVE your baby bump, you may feel tired but you look amazing. :) I love all your diapers, I may have to commission you when I have a baby to make some for me. That sounds way better than sewing them myself. Or maybe we could get together for a sew party! :) And I will have to keep the pedicure in mind for my pregnant friends (of which you are my only one right now :) ) for the future. Such a fun idea!

  2. I love Shea's robot! You are such a good mom, Shea is so blessed to have you. I love your toes! Painted toe nails and sandals equal summer for me. I hope you guys get some dryer weather so you can wear them out. I love your cloth diapers too! The fabric you use makes such cute diapers!


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