Saturday, May 26, 2012

My Friday.

I finally got new pillow cases for our bed!  I had been using ones that didn't match on half the pillows and they were actually white shams, and they were starting to look grungy.  I found these purple ones at Ross for 5 dollars and scored!  :)  Eric cuddled with me the second I woke up even though Paul was still in bed.  And then he decided to be a brat and hide under the bed when we wanted to get out of the room.  Eleanor has gotten smarter and she was waiting outside the room because she got locked in the room for over 12 hours the other day...oops. 

Yesterday I told Paul I was going leave the house right as he did...well I finished reading my Bible after he left and then I decided a nap sounded like a really good idea.  My half hour nap turned into an hour and a half and I felt like a million bucks when I woke up. 

Paul and I have been eating a bunch of Asian food lately.  Yakisoba, Pad Thai, and Pho all in about a 24 hour period, and we ate everything with chop sticks. So fun!  Oh and this is a better picture of my new cowl neck sweater, I love it. I have worn it for two days. 

And these are my new shorts!  I finally have a pair that fit and I LOVE them.  Oh and that is my swimsuit...I was getting ready to go swimming when I took these pictures. 

Our little island out front is looking better and better.  I have been watching the neighbors yard guys and how they weed eat and edge the islands and I did ours.  I actually got it to have a good shape and I love it!  I still need to get a quote on putting a cement barrier around it but for now I am loving the edged look.  And yesterday I mapped out the backyard where we are going to but river rock in.  I had my dad help me with the math (good thing cause I had no idea how it worked), and we need two yards of river rock.  I  need to find a place that delivers 2 yards, since the place we were going to get it from only delivers if you get 5 yards which is a TON of rock. 

Today I decided to put the wheelbarrow together that we bought at costco a week or two ago.  That thing was a PITA to put together.  I probably should have waited till both Paul and I could do it together but I am awful at waiting when I get my mind to something.  We have these awesome saw horses that my father in law made for us so that helped, but I still had to hold like 5 things while trying to put a washer and a bolt onto a screw. It took me an hour!  Then when I came inside and sat down Eric came to me right away and wanted cuddles, I guess he missed me. Haha. 

It is a beautiful day outside and I am sitting inside and relaxing the last few hours before I go to work.  I really hope that my hospital isn't trauma tonight ( we switch back and forth with Tacoma General for Trauma nights), because it is memorial day weekend and that means people will be out acting like idiots and driving drunk. Oh yeah.

Hope you guys have some awesome weekend plans!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm the same way, once I've decided to do something, I can't wait for help. Your island looks so good! I'm sure your yard is going to look great too with all that river rock. I'm glad you got to catch up on sleep. I took an unplanned nap today after I was done working out, I laid down on my yoga mat and ending up sleeping for nearly an hour! I love your shorts and pillows!


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