Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today was a good day.

I woke up at 9:20, read my blogs, ate breakfast and was about to go swimming and remembered Paul and I were going to go in the evening.  I had a lot of energy, so in order to not let it go to waste I went and did about two hours of yard work.  I mowed (the new grass as seen below!! which looks amazing in real life but kinda the same as the last picture I posted haha), then I weed whacked, weeded, and then swept the whole mess up.  Tomorrow I am going to measure the beds in the backyard to see how much river rock we need to order.  I am so over weeding those beds all the time, so river rock it is, even though I like the barkdust look.  

I remembered I wanted to request The Help from the library, and when I went to look at my account after I did I was amazed.  I think I will need to rent the movie if I want to see it before 2014!  1214 people waiting for a movie, insane. 

Gabe and I went on a mini shopping excursion to the North Bend Outlets and Target today.  We tried on all sorts of clothes and nail polish.  I bought organization supplies and new clothes.  It was a very good day.  

Here are some of my newly organized drawers in "alex".  I bought that fabric organizer today at target and LOVE it.  It makes me smile to open these drawers now.  It is as if they are saying "craft with me!!"
And here are my latest organization adventures.  I finally got everything I could labeled in the freezer in the garage and I love how it turned out.  I added a few labels to my tea/spice, oil/vinegar and just about everything cupboard.  And lastly I organized the top shelf of my main dishes cupboard.  The top shelf was the catch all shelf, it was holding a bunch of stuff we never used which made it difficult to reach the stuff we did want to use.  I pared it down and separated everything into two categories.  I am super pleased with the results!  I have been wanting to do this project for a long time but Target had stopped selling that size of bin on the top shelf.  I bought a few different sizes of bins today and rearranged a few things in my pantry and voila, everything turned out how I dreamed it. 

The end. :)  Tomorrow will hold some other homely adventure I am sure. :)  Oh, and maybe I will do a little grocery shopping! :) 


  1. After reading your post, I requested The Help from our library too. Thankfully our waiting list is shorter, I'm 301st in line. You reminded me that I've been wanting to see that movie. The book was so good! I love the North Bend outlets! I also love all your organization. I need to organize my sewing room better. When it's a mess all I think about is cleaning it up rather than creating. Happy to hear you had a good day!

  2. I still haven't seen that either! Reminded me that I am number like 48 for the 2nd season of downton abbey in our library system. :)

    You are really inspiring me to organize now!! I need to do all of our closets. REALLY bad. I'm glad you had a fun shopping/cleaning day!


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