Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why hello 80 degree weather, I have missed you!

I have been meaning to blog for what seems like forever, but everytime I was going to sit down and do it I would clean the kitchen, do yardwork, or clean the house.  They always seemed to win, but not today.  I am skipping vacuuming and blogging, then taking a nap and then I will get ready for work. :)  

This morning Eric came and snuggled me even though his daddy was already awake downstairs, it's our little morning routine now and I love it!   I have been saying I am going to back up my computer/pictures for a long every time I think my computer is going to crash on me.  Turns out I hadn't backed it up since November 2010 and I had 7,000 pictures to back up.  An hour later and I think I have all my important files and documents saved. I really need to splurge and get a flickr account so they are saved online.  If my harddrive died I would be so so so so sad!  I laid outside and ate lunch today in one of our zero gravity (super comfortable) chairs and it was amazing.  I actually got too warm, I love that feeling!  Then I came inside and had soy milk and a cake pop for dessert. Yum, yum. 

These pictures are really out of order, but oh well.  Here is Eleanor begging for Pho, I am pretty sure a cat wouldnt like a hot noodly soup but it smells kinda fishy so she was super interested! 

I got a new punch at JoAnnes this week for 50% off and made this cute little banner for my craft room.  I love sewing paper! 

Becca I am off on your baby shower weekend!  I was pretty stoked when I found that out. :) Eleanor is hiding with me while I read my Bible. :) 

I have been in the organization/cleaning mood lately.  All this sunshine puts me in an awesome mood and I get excited to get things done.  I reorganized the guest room closet because all my childhood toys weren't fitting in their bin and I had decorations just sitting out.  So more containers and labels made me one happy girl!   

All my adorable tapes all lined up in my craft room drawer make me so so so happy. 

My new punch makes the cutest card.  That punch was made from my wedding invitation. :)  And the right picture is of a game called draw something.  I am addicted!   It is like pictionary but on your phone, so fun! 

Eleanor's new thing is jumping up on the stool while I eat breakfast and wanted to be pet.  I gave in and started petting her ( I dont like to while I am eating) and then I heard a plop.  I looked over and saw Eric like this, someone was a little jealous!!

I have been to Starbucks three times in the last week between 3 and 5 for half price frappichinos, I am kinda addicted!  Oh and I got a new dome lid for my cup and am pretty excited about it. :) 

My baby girl snuggled up between Paul and me, sometimes she can be so adorable! 

After church on Sunday I got these new scissors for half price!  I am so excited to have fabric scissors that cut fabric like butter. :) 

I spent four hours doing yard work this day and was sore for 3 days afterward, I limped around the hospital and looked really pathetic.  I think it was a pulled muscle but I am all better now!  Our lawn is starting to look amazing and I am loving it.  We have lots of big plans for the yard this summer and I can't wait to show you girls as I finish each project! 

Eric is my faithful buddy in the craft room.  If I am blogging, crafting, reading, cleaning, putting receipts away he is always right by my side, it's fun to have someone here with me! 

Making lunches in the summer is a lot of work.  I like as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible so I am constantly washing, chopping, and dividing up fruits and vegetables.  I also like to eat more sandwiches, which I can't make in advance, so lunch prep is messier and takes longer, but the food tastes oh so good. 

I meant to go get a free cinnamon roll this week and never got around to it. Sad sad day! 

This is what I came out to one night when Paul and I were in the room getting ready for  bed.  We usually lock them out till one of us is laying in bed because we want to make sure Eric doesn't pee on it.  They were both staring intently at the door!   Oh and that cake is the start to CAKE POPS!

Baby boy was desperate for cuddles and while I held and pet him he drooled like a mad man, at least it was all over himself and not me! 

I finally got a mirror like I have been wanting forever!  It barely fit into my car, if it was 1/4 inch longer it would have been a no go!   I had to go return the cart and when I got back into my car I about had a heart attack because I saw someone in the corner of my eye in the backseat, well that person was me in the mirror,  my heart was racing! 

I wish I lived in Green Lake, except the fact that it is in Seattle and super trafficy, but the park is amazing.  A three mile walk around the lake, paddle boat rentals, lots of kids, dogs, families, couples, it was so fun to hang out there with my girlfriends from high school! 

You probably saw this on facebook but Paul and I got a firepit and are pretty excited about it!  I can't wait for warm summer nights to roast marshmallows while snuggled up in a chair with a light blanket.  

When I got back from hanging out with my girlfriends last night Paul took me out to dinner and we got awesome pizza.  It was a little greasy and meaty for my taste but I picked some meat off and dabbed grease off with a paper towel. Paul loved it!  Then we walked down the street and got dipped cones.  THEN we went on five mile drive and it was so so pretty at sunset.  We were going to go to Ruston but the road was closed for construction and we would have missed sunset if we drove around trying to find the detour. 

While we waited for our food they brought us movie theatre popcorn.  Buttery, greasy, salty yummyness. 

The girls and me at the park on a gorgeous summer day.  Lexie will be finished with her 2nd year of med school in two weeks, then she has 2 years of clinicals and then at least 3 years of residency.  She is the smartest lady I know and I am so so excited for her to be a doctor!  

And again half price frapps! Oh heavenly yum. 

Cake pops ready to be dipped.  I freeze them first because they they don't fall off the stick and the chocolate hardens faster.  

I finally remembered to call the garbage company and ask if they took extra trash cans, they do and I couldn't have been more excited!  Three less trash cans make our back yard look way better!  (one was the companies and two of them didn't have functional lids).  

I got the cutest ramekins and bowls at ross the other day! I was so excited with them I forgot to go to target afterward.  I drove to home depot then straight home. Haha. 

The beautiful sunset on five mile drive. :) 

Thanks for listening to my rambelings.  I work Saturday, Sunday and I am expecting to die of heat at the hospital.  The patients aren't moving around at all so they like their rooms warm.  The sun streaming in all the windows makes it really warm! 

Have an awesome mothers day Becca!  


  1. I am loving the warm weather too! I have been the same way, totally planning on blogging and then I get busy doing something else. Maybe I will blog...tomorrow? I know about being sore from yard work! I would have been totally sore after 4 hours too! Have you always had a sewing machine? I can't remember...I love your little sewing corner with the bulletin board on the wall! I am thinking of putting up a wall of inspiration above mine too. Loved your post!

  2. OH MY GOSH what a post. haha I loved reading it all! I love this summer loveliness too and love to hear about how you are enjoying it. You projects are all so fun and I am excited you can come to my shower!!

  3. Candice- I got my sewing machine as an early Christmas present from Paul so I could sew the stocking's for the Fernandez family. I absolutely love it, but embarrassingly I have sewed more paper projects on it than fabric. I need you and Becca to teach me some tips and tricks!


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