Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The start to a week off!

We have had a fun few days around here!  I was supposed to work until 9PM on Saturday, but I ended up being sent home early - at 2:40!  So, we went and played on the beach for a bit, and then had a bbq with tim and tawny and the kids played and played.  Here is John and Shea posing in their helmets:

I also had time to finish up the dining room table and chairs! I LOVE the way it turned out- it makes the whole room seem nicer.  I also moved the china cabinet over, and moved around some of the decor in the house on Monday.

Sunday I had to work from 12:30 to 9:30 and it was crazy busy!  Not only was it Mother's day, but it was super hot, so everyone (and their mom!) was out buying ice cream.  I was dead by the end of the day.  Luckily, I only have two more weekends of this!  And my boss finally did my schedule the way I asked, so I don't work until Friday night, and then have two 9 hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday.  I'm definitely glad I made the decision to stop working after this month - I really don't think I can keep up with the pace much longer than that.

I have a ton going on this week though!  Monday night was my Mom's group scrapbook night, so I had to clean the house and get some food prepared.  But, I had to watch Tawny's kids in the morning for almost two hours, then go up to the church to meet with the treasurer - this took about an hour and a half.  After that, Shea needed lunch and a nap, and I had to clean like crazy, finish three loads of laundry (which I line dried, so that took additional time) run to the store for some food, and prepare it - the day went by so fast.  Mostly because during nap time I got kind of distracted and ended up moving things around and decorating instead of cleaning.  OOPS.

Here are the new curtains I got at Goodwill recently.  They match the red pillows I bought a few months back, and now I have all brown curtains in the living room.

I took a random picture of me for no real reason. I was super hot and sweaty all day though!

Scrapbook night was fun!  4 ladies came over, and I was working on Hailey's book.  I did the Gender Reveal party pages.  It took me about two hours to do two pages.  Not only am I very indecisive when it comes to scrapbooking, but Tawny's kids were over and Shea was a little excited, so I had to get up a lot to monitor him.  I was really happy with the way the pages turned out though!

Today my sister and mom came over for a late Mother's Day lunch.  We played with her new i-pad, ate some muffins with some lattes I made, and just chatted.  Here is my sister with Shea.  I took a bunch of pictures of them and Shea was making goofy faces in all of them!

So we took a couple goofy ones together.  This one was supposed to be our grumpy faces.

And this one was just supposed to be crazy or something.  I was playing around with the google picture editing effects too, so my pictures almost look as cool as Angela's. :)

I also made this artwork on Monday.  I had an old black canvas that I just wrote on with chalk.  Then I took a frame I had laying around because the glass broke in it about a year ago, and it happened to be the exact right size to fit around the canvas!  I love this wall now.

I took my sister back to the ferry about an hour ago, and Shea and I are watching the original Robin Hood disney movie while eating hotdog cornbread (I made corn muffins and stuck a third of a polish sausage in the middle of each one before I baked it.  Its a hit, apparently).  I have to do dishes and tidy the house tonight, because a friend from church is coming over for lunch tomorrow right after my midwife appointment in the morning.  I'm hoping I'll have some time to cut out some more diapers and sew them together after Shea is in bed too.

Thursday we are headed to the children's museum in Seattle, and then Friday morning I have a playgroup at the park and I work that evening.  I LOVE that I have had so much time to get things done around the house, play with Shea, visit with people, and still feel like I have some down-time before going back to work.  I am definitely going to enjoy every minute of my time before this baby comes in June, and try to give lots and lots of attention to Shea before we have to learn to share mommy between two little ones.  Shea is getting more and more excited about Baby Hailey and talks about her a lot.  I know he will have some trouble sharing mommy, but I am so looking forward to this new time and know he is going to be such a good big brother!

Hope you have been enjoying the beautiful weather as much as I have!  I love my fall and winter, but OH summer just makes me happy!


  1. I love all your little (or not so little) projects! You did an awesome job making that table look so so good. Any your babybump is adorable. :) Oh and I love your editing!

  2. What a good idea to use write on a black canvas with chalk, it looks so good! I also love your curtains, they look really nice in your living room. I always love your updates around the house.


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