Friday, June 1, 2012

my week

How wonderful it is to be home and know I don't have to go back to work over the weekend!  This is my first entire weekend off since I don't know when...I guess like September!  Monday was a nice short shift for my last day of work.  It was supposed to be 6.5 hours, but it was so dead that I got my boss to have us close at the regular time instead of an hour later at 10!  She thought it might be busy with the holiday weekend, but no.  One of my co-workers put together a little gift bag (ok, it was in a garbage sack ha) with some baby things and candy.

Almost every morning this week I have been out running errands and going on mommy-shea dates, as I like to call them.  Tuesday we went to story time (which is now on break for three weeks, and I am sad about that), got some new books at the library, played at the park, and ran a couple of other errands.  Wednesday we went out to Silverdale, because I had to do something I don't even remember what it was anymore...but we stopped at the mall and I let Shea play with the Thomas train table at Barnes and Noble while I sat and read three chapters of a book.  This was soo nice and fun!  Shea can play with Thomas trains forever.  I loved just relaxing and having a free date with him (and getting to check out a new author without placing a hold and waiting for a book I might not even like at the library)!

Thursday we stayed home.  I took a nap - which I actually did probably three times this week and got to organizing closets!  I haven't taken a picture of them yet, but I took a shelf down out of our sort of "utility closet" (or random catchall front closet) so that I could fit the vacuum cleaner in there finally - it hasn't had a home since we moved in.  Then I set up a shelf for our shoes which has been in pieces since we moved, and set up another shelf in the bathroom (mainly just to get it out of the closet).  I finally reorganized some space in the kitchen upper cabinets and stored some servingware I don't use often and other things up there.  Then I started working on the guest bathroom!  I pulled all the tools and empty bins out, put down a rug, and then set up the changing/diaper area in there.  No pictures yet, because I still have a lot to do, but it is starting to become a useful space.

Today, however, I conquered the guest room!  I am so happy with it.  I can't stop walking in there, haha.  Not only did I go through all the miscellaneous boxes of fabric and organize my sewing stuff, I found a cheap solution to the bed "problem".  I found these plastic "bed risers" at Walmart for about $6 for all four of them, so the bed is at least at a comfortable height now, and we didn't have to buy a frame or a box spring yet.  Still maybe a bit low for a bed, but you don't feel like you're on the floor anymore!  Then I got out my old canvases and made a headboard.  I had two covered in fabric from our first apartment...I happened to find enough of the same fabric remaining in my stash to cover two more!  So I stapled all the canvases together, and just hung them up with little tacks along the back of the bed.  VOILA!  Doesn't it look so much more put together now?  (except that horrible line of paint down the middle!  All in good time, I guess!)  I also got those grey pillowcases at Walmart so the dingy white ones are gone.  And Woody is making a special appearance.  Jeremy also needs to help me push the bed back against the wall a little bit more - which is why the pillows on the right look kind of floppy, they aren't supported very well yet.  I'm also working on some art for the wall, but haven't finished it yet, and I'm going to give that tray a makeover too.

I finally got a new curtain rod, so I can show you my new curtains!  Oh and I cleaned off my desk, which was also stopping me from taking a picture.  So nice to not look out at the neighbors anymore!

Here is my shelf with all of my fabric available to be seen (actually, this isn't ALL of it, but most of it).  Still needs a little more organizing, but at least its all contained on there and mostly tidy.

And I wanted to get cute boxes for in the closet, but decided to just stamp these cardboard ones instead, because I just can't get myself to spend money on a you see whats wrong with this picture though?  Yes, I spelled "projects" with a "g".  Maybe I can blame this one on pregnancy. haha.  I'll probably turn it around and redo it on the other side at some point if they stay!  But its nice to have a place to throw our few extra sets of sheets and some of my projects (mainly clothing to alter/mend).

Shea was enjoying playing on the guest bed, and wanted me to take a picture of all his toys.

Then he wanted his backpack (which he is OBSESSED with - every morning he comes into our bed with it and takes all of his cars out and names each one.) to be in a picture.

OH and all that hair on that boy - gone.  I cut it tonight after dinner!  I'm excited about my shower tomorrow, even though I won't see Jeremy like at all.  He is gone in the morning, and I am going to leave for Kirkland early to have lunch with my brother and put Shea down for a nap before the shower.  Looking forward to seeing you girls tomorrow (wish you could be there too, Candice!).

I still haven't taken my belly pic this week either...maybe tomorrow morning!  I've been working on Hailey's baby book, and it will be so fun to have a week by week documentation of my pregnancy.  I don't have anything like that with Shea.  My sister-in-law might be doing some maternity pictures for me on Sunday down at the beach, too, so that should be fun!  Even though I feel incredibly awkward "modeling" for a photoshoot.

Happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love your new headboard, you are too clever. Oh and I loved your story of how you got them on the risers too, I would soooo do that ;). I love your desk and your new curtains, I want to get curtains for the bedrooms, but I also want new blinds, so nothing has happened so far.

    I am jealous of all your fabric! I barely have any so that is one thing that keeps me from doing projects. I love your stamped boxes and I would blame pregnancy brain too for misspelling things! Shea is adorable as always, and he was adorable today as well, and he looked wayyyyyyy older in person and with his haircut! I can't wait to see maternity pictures and then pictures of baby Hailey!


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