Friday, June 8, 2012

getting better

I've been sick since Sunday.  I don't know if I got it from someone at the shower on Saturday or what, but I have been feeling totally sapped of energy (like that sicky-achey feeling) since then, and started getting a stuffy/runny nose and sore throat on Monday night.  Blech.  Sleeping has already been hard because I have been having horrible heartburn/acid reflux lately  and now not being able to breathe.  But, after a week of napping as much as possible, I am definitely on the mend!  Now Shea is just sick...ah well.  My husband could definitely tell I wasn't feeling well when I left the house looking like this for two days:

Yeah, and you can't even see the bedroom or the dirty dishes.  I was soooo out of it.  One night I set up the tiny tv with the VHS player in my bedroom and turned on an old disney movie and Shea and I just snuggled, ate popcorn, and I slept.  The reduction in "show" watching has been really good, and it made it a special time for us.

Monday night I had a surprise shower!  Someone took pictures, but I don't have any of them.  I thought I was just going to a regular scrapbooking night for my mom's group, but when I showed up, the house was decorated with pink and there was delicious food!  It was kind of funny though, because I walked in and  no one was in sight, so I kind of stood there and said something awkward like "What is this...?!?" and then finally someone poked their head around the corner and said "HI!". haha.  Anyway, the food was sooo good and I got some super cute girl stuff, had delicious cupcakes, and got to chat with my mommy friends.  I feel so spoiled!  And I even wrote all my thank you cards and got them in the mail yesterday.  PHEW.  Two showers down, one more this Sunday to go!

After a few days, I finally got to do some sewing too!  I finished Hailey's bedding (almost).  This is a weird picture, but once we get the crib set up next week I'll show you it all put together! The bottom yellow thing is the bumper - that took me soooo long to make, because it was freaking long and I had to do it on the floor and I hate lining up fabric and I kept forgetting to do things in the right order haha.  And then the teal fabric are two crib sheets I made.  The top thing is her unfinished quilt (just have to bind the edges), and then I threw the little banner Angela made me on top, because isn't it amazing how close she got that color scheme with the bedding???  That is definitely being hung near the crib!  I can't wait to get everything put together in there!

Since my midwife was coming today for my home visit, I felt like getting a lot done.  I cleaned pretty much the entire house (even the bathrooms, vacuuming, dishes, laundry, Shea's everything!), made a new batch of laundry soap (which should last me another 6 months at least), sat and knit (Hailey's blanket is almost done!), and drank some tea.  I washed all of Hailey's new clothes from the showers this past weekend (so fun to see them all in the basket, we are getting the dresser set up next week, and then I get to put it all away!).  

Oh and two random pictures of Shea.  Eating cereal...

And today at lunch.  He mixed his corn with his applesauce.  I thought for sure he wouldn't eat it, but I told him he had to try it, and he liked it!  My child generally hates things mixed together, so I'm glad he didn't waste all of that.  Looks gross to me.

And here I am at 36 weeks.  With wet, fresh out of the shower, hair.  My midwives measured me and my belly is actually not any bigger than it was last week, but that is normal for me.  It happened with Shea and they kind of overreacted and sent me in for stress tests and ultrasounds.  At least I know it isn't anything to really be worried about this time, and my midwife isn't concerned either.  She thinks it is because Hailey really dropped down this week and so I just don't look any bigger.  She was like "wow, she is really taking up your entire belly".  YEAH, and I still have 4 more weeks?!  Crazy that after next week I could have a baby any day though!

We figured out where the tub will go today...I am so exciiited about having this girly at home!

Anyway, tonight we are watching Tawny's kids while she goes out on a date with her hubby.  For Christmas we gave them a movie gift card and a certificate for babysitting, so I'm glad they are finally going out!  Tomorrow is Jeremy and my first real Saturday off together, so in the afternoon (after nap time) we are going to go out and do our big monthly shopping trip in Bremerton and also pick up the last piece to Shea's new car bed at my parents house.  So looking forward to getting that thing put together and off the guestroom bed!

1 comment:

  1. I am so so glad the banner matched so well. I was hoping it would because all I had to go off of was a few pictures you had posted, and one was the dresser which you said looked different in real life, haha. I can't wait to see Hailey's crib all put together!!

    That surprise baby shower sounds awesome, gotta love good friends and fellow moms. :) Your baby bump is adorable! I have to admit though, it looks smaller in real life than in pictures for some reason, even though I am sure you feel like you can't stretch another inch.

    I totally understand not having mootivation to clean when you don't feel good . I fell like it is a free grace period or something where since you don't feel good, life kinda stops and you just chill out till you feel better. I totally do that. It is also the same feeling when I work a ton...the house just isn't as clean as I want it. (like right now I NEEEED to vacuum but I am not going to today).


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