Monday, June 25, 2012

a quick brag

After a super long day yesterday with a boy who missed his nap, ran around at the zoo with his cousins for 4 hours, and came down with a cold...we have dismissed the binky (I think for good)!  I was so ready to give him his pillows and binky and let him cuddle up and go to bed and feel better, but we went to give it to him we discovered that he had bitten a big hole in it!  We did have a back up, but I showed him the hole, told him it was broken and that it had to go in the garbage.  He was sad, and maybe it was because he was so tired, he only asked for a new one once (which I said I had no way of giving him) and went to sleep!  He woke up one time in the night and asked for it also, but I just reminded him that it was broken and he said "Okay" and went back to sleep.  

Today, he asked for it before nap time and in the morning, but I just reminded him that its broken and in the garbage, and he completely understands!  How crazy.  I thought it was going to be a way bigger fight when we finally had to take it away.  Now I really need to go hide that extra one so he doesn't think he can have it again!  Luckily, all the ones for Hailey that we have gotten so far are pink and purple, so they look different enough that he should understand they aren't for him.

And that is my mommy-brag for the day.


  1. yay, so glad that went well! How handy to have his binky broken, hopefully it keeps going this well!

  2. That is so awesome! I would be bragging if that was my kid too. You hear all sorts of crazy stories about how hard it is to take away the pacifier! Nice work. :)


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