Thursday, June 14, 2012

A couple wonderful days.

Paul was supposed to have Tuesday off but had to go in for a few hours from 5:30am -9:30am, I woke up to a donut and coffee when my hubby walked through the bedroom door. Best morning ever in my books! 

My man only got 2.5 hours of sleep that night cause he couldn't sleep for some reason (I personally couldn't fall asleep till 2:30am, we have problems!)  My love kept cat-napping during the day and I was enjoying all our snuggle time. :) 

I made an awesome lunch of artichoke, corn, and tortellini.  I love being able to make lunch at home for Paul and I!  Oh and we watched a lot of tv and chilled all day long. :) 

It is Pauls boss's birthday this week so we got him an itunes card, and I decorated it all cute.  I love decorating things! 

I was getting a little ancy around the house so I decided to organize my two top drawers.  I just laid dollar store wrapping paper on the bottom after cleaning them and organized everything.  I wish I had before pictures, the difference is amazing! 

I made summer spaghetti pasta from pinterest but left the chicken out, I didn't have time since I was making this before work one day.  It actually tasted a lot better heated up the second time than the first, the sauces soaked into the noodles.

I finally took the time to go through my clothes, so many of them didn't fit.  I didn't want to let go of them, but  I decided it was time.  I never want to fit into them again anyway so bye bye 3 bags of clothes and some stretched out hangers. 

Yesterday I woke up at 11, took an hour nap, and then was tired and fell asleep at 10:30.  I was up at 6:15 feeling rested.  I played on my phone till 6:30, got up, made the bed, ate a small bowl of cereal and headed to the gym, I got there by 7, home by 8am.  I mowed the lawn, weed whacked, and swept everything up then came in the house and chilled out.  I have been watching Greys Anatomy, took a short nap to ensure I would die of tiredness at work tonight. 

The house.  Soon there will be a big pile of rocks in the driveway waiting to be put on all the beds in the backyard.  We are almost ready to order it.  I just need to do a few more things to prep the back yard. 

And here is sit with two sleepy kitties and Grey's Anatomy.  Life is good. 



  1. what a nice hubby, bringing you coffee and donuts in bed! Your lunch looks so good! I have never had artichokes like do you eat them?? what do you do to prepare them? I love artichoke hearts...maybe this is something I'll have to try!

    way to go getting rid of your clothes - I have a hard time parting with clothes too, but I have SO many I don't wear (or only wear like once a year). What a good feeling to be able to get rid of things that are too big though - can't wait for that again! ha

    Love your everyday life post! Hope your nap helps and you aren't too exhausted after work - I have come to appreciate those power naps so, so much this past month.

  2. The artichoke is super easy to make. I just cut it in half, put it in a microwave save dish (a glass 9x9 works- I have one thats a little smaller) and put an inch to an inch and a half of water in the dish, cover with plastic wrap and microwave for 20 minutes. I would have never thought of making them this way as my mom and grandma always boiled them on the stove for about an hour but Paul did it this way one evening and it tastes great! We dip them in a little bit of mayo (also something I never did growing up and just learned from my grandma). You should definitely try it! We eat a ton of artichokes these days now that we discovered a 4 pack at costco is 6 dollars, which is way cheaper than the grocery store!


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