Thursday, June 14, 2012

bright and happy

Where to start??  I can't possibly tell you everything, so I'll just tell you some things.

1.) I had my "sister" shower on Sunday afternoon!  Sunday was LOVELY.  It was so nice and sunny out.  Hanna took maternity pictures of me on the beach and by our house while Shea was napping.  I am hoping to get a few with Shea in them still, though.  Before the shower, I took Shea to a friends 4th birthday party - it was a make your own pizza/Dora themed.  Totally fun!  Then we came home to go over to Tawny's to the shower.  My mother-in-law had the activities planned...she had everyone pick two letters at random out of a bag.  Together, it spelled "Hailey Joelle".  With your letter, you had to make a scrapbook page and then write something that corresponded to the letter.  Everyone got cute and creative!  And now I have a bunch of already made scrapbook pages to add to her book.

My other sister-in-law made all these cute decorations in the same color theme as our gender reveal party.  Sad I changed the red to yellow in the room, but I'll still have to figure out how to incorporate some red so I can hang up the cute banner she made!  Anyway, Hailey has some super cute clothes now.

2.) I have been working on cloth diapers some more!  I scored just over a yard at Goodwill the other day for a couple of bucks and was able to make 3 diapers from it (my bear is modeling one of them for you.).  I also got my snappis in the mail!  That is the blue thing that holds the diaper together.  Then I made my first diaper cover.  I got the waterproof fabric for a yard for $6 and should be able to make at least 6 covers from it - so $8 for 3 diapers and 6 covers is an amazing price - I'm so glad I decided to make these!  I got so excited I had to try it all out with the bear, haha.  Oh and he is on the baby blanket I am knitting for Hailey - I am on the last color!

3.) My sister came over on Monday for the day and we tackled a few projects!  We painted Shea's closet...and then I went crazy and decided to paint the rest of the room grey on Tuesday by myself (I ventilated the room and took breaks so I wasn't in the fumes all day).  PHEW.  It was a lot of work, and there is still one and a half walls left to paint and some trim to touch up, but Jeremy is going to help with me that one night this week after Shea goes to bed in the guest room.  So its still a work in progress, but here it is so far:

Isn't it so fun and bright??  that pendant banner is just the one from our gender reveal party, but I changed out the red triangles for yellow.  The closet still needs to be fixed up a bit - we are going to change the rod to just be on one side (doubled) and then put in a dresser on the right hand side (which I still need to paint), and those chinese lanterns on the shelf I'm planning on hanging somewhere in the room.

Above the crib I plan on painting some big words or something - its kind of a sunshine theme, so I'm not sure exactly what will end up going there.  OH and the little shelf was something our landlord left here - I just painted the back the same yellow as the closet.   I'm planning on putting in some dowels or something and making it a front facing bookcase, and the picture frames on top will all be hung up on the wall eventually.

And here is Hailey's bedding!  I finished her quilt yesterday (its folded in half, so you can't see the cute little girl and "hailey" in the lower right corner in this picture), and I still need to fix the bumper (its a little too long) and wash all of it, but I couldn't resist putting it on the crib!

Here is Shea's new bed - which he LOVES.  As you can see, his wall still needs to be painted and I want to put some things on his wall to make it his special half of the room.

Oh and he wanted me to take a picture of him with all of his animals on his lap.

And then he was trying to pose for a close up, but he kept bobbing his head up and down.  Goofy kid.

Today I am officially full-term!  37 baby can come any time...I realized the other night that I should really get all these projects I have sitting around done before she decides to show up!  Today I'm hoping to do some major cloth diaper sewing during nap time and we might take a trip to the library and run a few errands today!  Wishing it was sunnier out today...but that isn't stopping me from wearing my new toms knock-offs:

I got them at Ross for just under $10.  I think I told my husband I got them at Walmart this morning though, when he asked me if I got new shoes.  Weird.  Don't know why I said that.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the kids room, it looks amazing. :) So exciting to think that Hailey could come any time!! And your shoes are adorable! :)


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