Friday, June 22, 2012

Catching my Breath

Hi Girls!

It is so nice to be posting again, I have missed it.  I just got caught up on all the posts I missed and commented on the last two.  Life got hectic pretty fast for me. Two weeks ago I got a job and started volunteering in an ESL class.  I work Tues-Thurs in an office doing data entry and filing.  I got the job through a friend of our small group at church.  He's my boss at the office, and it's been working out really well so far.  Then on Mondays I have been volunteering for 5 hours in a class that teaches Chinese adults English.  I was really excited to start helping out there, but I have been disappointed so far because the teacher hasn't asked me to do anything in class, and last week she told me that it's a bad time of year to volunteer because her classes are smaller.  I don't understand why she requested for a volunteer to help her and then just wants me to sit and observe.  I think next week I'll see if I can make suggestions for things for me to do, but I know that a lot of teachers in this field are protective of their classes and aren't really excited for a newbie to come in and change things up.

I was still going to class Monday and Wednesday nights, so I would leave the house at 7:30 AM on those days to go to work, then after work go straight into Toronto for class and get home at 10:30 at night.  Thankfully now I have two weeks off from school till the summer term starts, but then I'll be taking classes four nights a week...I'm happy for the job and volunteer opportunity, but I am so tired by the end of the week.

We have also been going through a heat wave, this past week it was over 95F.  Last night it rained and brought in some cooler air, so today was around 80F and much more bearable.  I've been biking to work, and it hasn't been so bad in the mornings, but coming home in the afternoons has been HOT.

Today I was able to catch up on sleep (I took a 3 hour nap this morning) and I got to do some thrift store shopping.  I went to Plato's closet and sold a dress for $4 that I had bought at a garage sale for $1 and bought these awesome and super comfy sandals for $5.

I have to share with you guys about our last bulk item garbage day. We have it once a month, and this month we got a ton of stuff!  Justin played hockey at 9pm, and when he left I took Beatrix out for a walk and saw some good stuff along the curb.  So when he got back around 11:30 we went out to check out the stuff I had seen.  We ended up with a good haul!  We got a book case, which we desperately needed (our books are still in boxes), we got a nightstand for Justin's side of the bed, a wine rack, garden pot, house coil and some baskets.  We also saw other people picking up stuff along the curb, so it's nice to know we aren't the only scavengers.  Here are pictures of the book shelf and night stand: 


Ahh, it feels so good to post again!  I'm really looking forward to having more time these next two weeks since I don't have class.  I'll have more time to do fun things that I can post about!  


  1. Sounds like you have been crazy busy, I remember those days where every minute of the day was filled with errands, volunteering, working, or school, they are so so so exhausting. I love all your finds from the street, when we lived in apartments I found one of our coffee tables by the dumpster, so fun! Oh and I love your new shoes, they are adorable. Oh and I am jealous you have weather good enough to wear them in!!

  2. Sounds like you have been so busy - and will be again soon after your break! I hope you are able to enjoy the time off by doing fun and relaxing things! The garbage in your town is awesome. haha. I love your little nightstand! Hope your volunteering starts getting more interesting! So good to hear from you :)

  3. That's a super cute nightstand!


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