Saturday, June 9, 2012

Plants and Shopping!

Yesterday was a crazy busy day with my love.  We started the day by going grocery shopping at Safeway at 9:30 in the morning.  We were originally going because Paul was making us breakfast burritos for breakfast and we needed a red pepper and some half and half for our coffee.  This trip turned into a big grocery shopping trip (which we totally needed), and we were back home around 10:30.  Paul made breakfast, we watched a little tv, and then went swimming.  

Straight after swimming we went to the library to pick up the "King's Speech"  (good movie btw) and then to Kent East Hill Nursery.  We bought 7 plants after walking around the whole nursery in the rain.  We also found out they deliver 2 cubic yards of rock so we will definitely be calling them for delivery in the next week or so so we can make the back yard look awesome!!

Then we drove to my in-laws house (two blocks from the nursery) to drop off all the plants so we could go shopping at Southcenter Mall for some new slippers for Paul and new Danskos for me.  We went to my favorite boot store which apparently carries lots of cute flip flops and flats during the summer as well!  I got a new pair of boots that I can't wait to wear!! (I wanted to get these shoes too but didn't). 

Danskos are hand sewn so I tried on quite a few pairs.  I almost got those black ones (I already have a pair like that) but decided to go with the brown.  They don't even look like Danskos from above, they look like boots, its awesome!  Danskos are the only shoes I can wear and not have my feet hurt at work.  Oh and Paul got awesome new slippers, the ones he had were 8 years old! 

We also stopped by Joannes to use my 50% off coupon, but everything was already 50% off anyway, so I got lots of stuff!  That place is so addicting! 

Then we went to Ross to pick out a shirt, then to Costco to buy some potting soil to help plant our new plants.  Well we ended up buying a lot more than potting soil at Costco.  The Costco in Tukwilla has a ton of restraunt stuff!  We got a huge pot for cooking crab, I got a ton of new cooking utensils (cookie sheets, nice flippers and spatulas, silicone baking mats, cutting boards, knives, and more).  They also had huge sections of food for restraunts and coffee shops.  I got a huge thing of vanilla syrup to make caramel macchiatos for like 3 dollars. That costco is awesome!  We got a huge pot for the front porch that I haven't planted to plant in yet ( I will take picture when I do of course).  It was a crazy crazy shopping trip and we were in there for like an hour.  

Then we headed back to my inlaws (it is 5:30pm by this point and we got to their house at 6).  We shoved all the plants in our car along with all the other stuff we bought and drove very carefully on the way home!!

I was super hungry when we got home because we had skipped lunch and by this time it was 6:30.  I had it in my mind that I was going to make lots of vegetables for dinner so even though I was tired I made cubed- baked potatoes, brussel sprouts, corn on the cob and a stir fry of onions, peppers, mushrooms, and zuchinni.  It was so so so yummy (and made a huge mess in the kitchen)!  In between the baking Paul and I planted some plants in the front yard.  They look kind of sad right now because they have some droopy leaves but they will perk up I am sure and the ones that don't we will cut off.  Oh and that random picture of a gorilla, I thought that was an awesome sign, so of course I had to photograph it. 

After we ate Paul and I took a walk around the neighborhood, it was probably a mile and a half or so.  We looked at everyone's yard to see what kind of plants they had and how they landscaped.  We also met a little snail, and saw a house with new solar panels!


Today Paul and I at breakfast, watched a little tv, and then decided to plant our new plants!   We took out a half dead shrub to find it had been living in a swamp, no wonder it wasn't growing.  

I weeded the garden and put the new wire thing around the peas so they could grow correctly, so excited to have vegetables from our garden! 

We took out two rose bushes (they weren't really alive) and planted a bunch of new plants.  I did trim those huge bushes at the bottom a little so I will be able to get landscaping fabric and rock under there but I can't wait to trim them back more in the fall or late summer after they are done blooming.  Those plants grow like crazy every year.  You should have seen them when we moved in!

And to end this post I have a random picture of Eric from two nights ago.  Paul and I had just finished a game of darts and Paul was practicing some underhanded throws.  One hit the ceiling and Eric was rather disturbed by this.  He kept meowing at the dart, it was pretty cute!

I work the next three days (which are all supposed to be sunny with no rain) and then have tuesday and wednesday off (which are supposed to be rainy).  I sure do hope the weatherman is wrong!!

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