Friday, June 22, 2012

Life lately

I have been thinking about living simply and enjoying the moment lately.  Summer is my favorite time of year, and summer days are few and far between in western washington, so everytime there is a good day I need to slow down and enjoy the moment.  Not think about cleaning the house, running errands, making phone calls, just enjoy the beautiful weather. 

On Wednesday before I went to work Paul made us awesome steaks for lunch while I prepared the fruit salad and gatorade (a summer necessity).  We sat outside on Paul's old comforter for over and hour and it was heavenly. Someone at work even told me I looked a little more tan after that (I have a hint of color to me now that doesn't scream WHITE chick). 

The cat's were meowing at the screen door because they were lonely so Paul went in to pet them, but I stayed outside to enjoy the beautiful day just a little bit more. 

Then our friend Clarence came around, he is pretty friendly and loves belly rubs.  When Paul heard me meowing at Clarence he came outside to chill again.  I think our cats were jealous because they could see us through the screen door. Oops! 

Yesterday while vacuuming I stopped for a quick second to grab my prescription so I wouldn't forget for the millionth time to pick up contacts at costco, I couldn't put it off any longer because I am wearing my last pair.  Eric heard me open the craft room door and came running .  This boy LOVES the craft room like no other for some reason. 

Then I got to thinking about how Amber doesn't like to go to costco alone so I invited her along for the ride, she needed cat litter so we made a little shopping/lunch date out of the whole thing.  We enjoyed Costco hot dogs and soda (Amber had water), I got contacts and lots and lots of fruit, and we each got 2 bags of cat litter.  Might I mention a bag of costco cat litter weighs 42 pounds, so we added 168 lbs to the cart with that cat litter and boy was it hard to push!  Amber and I looked like crazy cat ladies! 

When we got home from costco we went on a 20-30 minute walk around the neighborhood, walked to the school to swing (my butt is way too big for child swings these days- it hurts!, and then walked back home to enjoy fruit salad and chedder fries (like chips) from costco outside on a pretty flower blanket.  We laid around for about an hour before I took Amber home. Best sister date ever. 

The cat's where super cuddly when Paul got home since I had been gone/busy most of the day.  While we watched a movie they cuddled. 

Last night Paul said to me "I will make you a deal, if you wake up early I will take you to coffee".  We then had a discussion about what early meant (I said 9am), and agreed I would wake up at 7:45.  I did, and while getting dressed I said we should go swimming first, so we did.  We were still at the coffee shop before 9am and had already worked out, it was awesome.  

We went to a little place in downtown Auburn (that Paul researched and found on yelp) called Jason's Coffee Shop.  It is in an old house pretty close to the hospital and has lots of rooms with lots of furniture where you can just chill out.  

We had one of the rooms upstairs to ourselves (we should have brought a cribbage board) where we fiddled on our phones, chatted, and I read my Bible while we enjoyed sweets and our white chocolate mochas (which tasted way better than one from starbucks- way less sweet and way more yummy). 

It is 55 degrees and rainy here today so we turned on the fireplace, popped on a movie from netflix and chilled with the cats. :) 

Oh and I forgot to mention, Paul is into motorcycles these days so we stopped by a motorcycle dealer on the way home from coffee.  One of the editing programs on my phone was updated so I was playing around with it!  So fun (the pictures that is, still not convinced about a motorcycle). 

Then end! 


  1. Your lunch looks delicious! And I am not going to lie - I am super jealous of your coffee date! CHERISH these moments. I mean, of course, it is so fun to have children and do things as a family, but there are so many mornings when we want to just go out to coffee and sit and enjoy it, but with Shea, sitting and enjoying would last about 5 minutes if we're lucky! I guess we will have plenty of time for quiet coffee dates when we are old, though!

    Love reading about your life, as always!

  2. What a cute coffee shop! I love places like that. Justin would love a motorbike too...he saw an antique one on kijiji (our version of craig's list) but it just doesn't work for us to get one right now. I'm glad you were able to take advantage of a summer day!


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