Thursday, June 7, 2012

Moses Lake, Auburn, Seattle

I always try and think ahead about driving to work and if there is any if there is any big holiday going on or anything that would cause abnormal traffic.  Well the SAturday of memorial day weekend doesn't usually have traffic because people are at their destinations.  I left home with enough time to get a $2 frappachino at Starbucks (they were having a special) but right at the exit I needed to take there was a big accident.  I had to forgo the coffee to make time for the traffic, but was glad I had that extra time to give up and wasn't late to work! 

I got a new tank top when I went shopping with Gabe!  I love it. :) We need more warm sunny days so I can wear my summer clothes! 

Paul and I had Tuesday/Wednesday off together last week and made a quick trip to Moses Lake.  One of the things I love dearly about my husband is how he knows how much my family means to me and offers up our days off together to drive and go see my family together in ML.  Love it. 

We were on vacation of course so we fiddled on our phones all day long and loved it.

I didn't take a picture of it but my mom and I made a journal out of an old book, I will try and take a picture tomorrow, it is so so so cute!  You take the front and back cover of a (cute and old) book, cut them off, cute a few awesome pages out of the book, and then cut a bunch of papers to write on, then you bind it with a binding machine (shown with my mom in the picture) and you make a journal! 


 When I went to Maui with my parents 5 years ago and then when I went with Paul we got this awesome toasted coconut.  When in ML my mom and I tried two different recipes, and it was actually the one we thought wouldn't turn out as well that turned out awesome! Love myself some sugar coated toasted coconut!

My mom makes the best caramel macchiatos, Trader Joe's chips and salsa make an awesome snack (especially with a cute bowl), love me some waffles and fresh fruit for breakfast, and we had amazing sandwiches on homemade bread. Love my mommas cooking! 

I don't know if I have mentioned Bargain Town on this blog before but it is like a junky goodwill only more cool.  They run out of an old house and have lots of furniture outside that sits out in the rain/sun/snow.  They also have an awesome book section . They have your normal old books, romance novels and such but they also have old library books, and awesome old books with cool covers.  They are 25 cents for a paperback and 50 cents for a hardback.  I bought lots of books for when we have children (Paul picked out a lot too), we reminisced about books we remember from our childhood.  I also got a few more books to make into journals. :) 

It was my dad's birthday while we were in town but sadly he was out of town on a business trip.  My mom made us awesome salads for dinner with strawberries, walnuts, and goat cheese which we had with gnocci, so yummy!  Oh and I took a nap on Pauls lap and Penny joined us. :) 

My parents moved to this house at the end of my Junior year of high school.  I still miss our old house, but I am in love with this house and the acre of grass they live on!  Maybe someday I will have tons of room for my children to run and play!

The drive home was gorgeous!  I drove to ML in the middle of the night (after I got home from work at midnight) so Paul drove us home, so I was able to take a bunch of pictures!  Love me some sunshine! 

Penny has to show her belly for me to let her in from outside, otherwise I don't believe she is serious.  So often she looks like she wants to come in and then runs away when you open the door. Silly girl.  Oh and she LOVED Paul, he pets her lots and lots.  She kinda likes to hang around us, especially when we sit on the floor! 

We stopped at Vantage on the way home and it was so so beautiful!  The sun was getting ready to set and the weather was perfect.  A touch of a warm breeze along with the beautiful sunshine and miles of open land. 

Now I can't even remember what day was National Donut day, but it was someday last week and you bet your booty I celebrated it!  I ate half of each of those donuts and left the rest for Paul when he got home from work. :)

Our babies were so glad to see us when we got home.  We have been using the fire more this summer than in the winter and the kitties are loving it. Paul and I love it to, it's like a treat! 

Saturday was Becca's baby shower so I got all dolled up in the morning, went and got my eyebrows done (the middle picture was taken right after when my brows were still hurting), and then I went and mowed the lawn in that dress.  The  neighbors and passer bys were looking at me like I was crazy.  

Becca's baby shower was a fun little get together.  There was an adorable arrangement of food and the weather was pretty good so we opened presents outside!  I barely took any pictures, but some is better than none!

Becca's sister brought Starbucks treats to the shower that she was giving out (they were donated from starbucks for some group Katie is a part of but they didn't have any events that week so she brought the treats to the shower!).  Paul and I loved eating up all those old fashion donuts!   Oh and that blue sky, that was when we were sitting outside at Becca's sister in laws house. So pretty! 

Today I went up to Seattle with my parents so Daniel could show us the church house he will be living in during the summer (16 guys from his church live there and it actually looks tidy downstairs).  It is located on greek row at UW. :)  We went to Gasworks park, walked around, and took a couple pictures.  Love my family!  The only thing that would have made it more perfect was if Paul wasn't working and could have come with us! 

We went to a Pho place on the ave and they brought us our Pho in 3 minutes. That is not a joke, they delivered waters and took orders, then delivered the extras and some cream puffs, then a minute later our pho came out.  It is probably because that is the only thing they serve there.  It was dang good and I finished my whole bowl!  

Pictures from around the town.  We went on nearly a 4 mile walk which took like an hour and it rained the entire time (except for 5 minutes at the beginning and end) and then it didn't rain for the rest of the day.  We were drenched. 

After lunch we stopped and got some coconut bubble tea which was super yummy!   I shared this one with my mom and dad and it was the perfect treat! 

And that my friends is the end of my mind dump.  I have been working more lately, picking up some extra shifts, and I am a bit tired.  I have had some awesome patients and patient families though.  They have told me I am an awesome nurse and how good I take care of their dad, and they have told me thank you numerous times.  Seriously the way to a nurses heart is to tell them how much you appreciate them.  I didn't care how rough the evening was, I was on an emotional high from all of that. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Ha I was so sad for you when I read that you didn't have time to get your frappachino! But glad you made it to work on time. I have to say, one thing about living over in Kitsap county that I LOVE is the lack of traffic.

    I feel the same way about summer - please let it be warm so we can wear our summer clothes!! I am so done with maternity pants and just want to wear skirts and dresses and shorts, but its always too cold out.

    All your food looks so good and what a fun idea with your old book journal - can't wait to see it! I look so excited in that pic at my shower, lol. And now I want me some bubble tea. We just went out to pho the other night and realized that Shea LIKES it! Crazy. Loved reading your post :)


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