Monday, June 18, 2012

The last few days.

I take a lot of pictures, but one thing I regret is the lack of before pictures I took of our yard.  I love to see progress, that's what keeps me  going.  I am glad for the few pictures I did take, this being one of them.  I had honestly forgotten how bad our grass and island looked.  All better now though. 

We continue to have lots of snuggle times with the fire on even though its June. 

Steve came over on Saturday and he cut this board to fit so the beds will match better.  Grass never grew well there anyway, so I am pretty excited. 

Coffee at church on Sunday was heavenly, I think this guy used to be a barista, because his coffee tasted amazing. 

Sunday after church I stopped by Top foods to deposit a check and then went to home depot to buy some new boards for the fence.  I also got a new plant and some nails for the fence.  Then I went and hung out at Ambers house and let my car smell like a pond while we hung out and listened to the womens conference. 

Joe called so we took a little break.  I sipped my tea and at Reese's Pieces. 

When I got home I tore out the old boards to the fence, and when I went to go grab the skill saw I found out we have a skill saw but there wasn't a blade in it.  When I went to Steve and Kathy's to borrow a saw I got more than a saw.  Steve came over and helped with the fence!  It was a God send because you really needed two people to do it and Paul was dead when he got home.  He had worked 81 hours in the last 8 days, poor guy.  He still has two more days to go before he gets a day off. 

Paul was going to cook us steak for dinner but he was super tired so we went to Indian food for dinner and it was absolutely amazing.  It was jam packed because of Fathers Day, but it was so so so yummy! 

After dinner we went to Uwajimia and got lots of fun Asian candy and a super blow pop.  I had forgotten how awesome these blow pops are, and how they turn your tongue, lips, and mouth crazy colors. 

The front yard is pretty much good, just have to keep up the grass, oh and we need a new roof, the fence is fixed, now we just need rock (which apparently the place we want to buy it from the delivery guy is on vacation for a week and a half),  and that empty little flower bed? It is to the right of the garage and it needs some loving.  I will get more plants soon! (Maybe even from Steve and Kathy's yard because they have ton of awesome plants they offered us and they are moving out of that house in a few months!)

I have awesome plans for our laundry room, teal for the back wall, Ikea cabinets (white), and a cute little shelf.  I can't wait to have cupboards for storage! 

Never thought I would be a plant girl, but I love this happy green window sill! 

I attempted to have curly hair and it ended up in a pony tail, I was trying to wrap fathers day presents and Eric thought he was more important, I officially have a mullet and need a hair cute, and my dad's fathers day/birthday present.  I need to see him! (at least I got to talk to him on the phone for half an hour last night!)

My picture that screams work.  Plastic to rip off the deck, a wire vine plant growing thing that needs a new home, a rhododendron that has lots of room to grow, beds that need rock in them, and a fence that needs a few new boards and definitely some new paint!  

Lots of work coming my way (and Paul's if he ever gets some time off). It is going to be an  awesome summer! 

1 comment:

  1. Your yard looks amazing! I love seeing the before and after pictures - I can't believe the difference! It gives me hope for our yard, haha.

    I love that color palate for your laundry room - I want to do something similar with our little nook. I bet it will look so crisp and laundry will be way more enjoyable when you are finished.

    Enjoyed your post - as always!


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